Looking for quick answers? Here's the place to start, no question. 

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We've compiled the questions we hear most frequently from members so you can get the information you need. And if your request isn't covered here, please contact us. We're always happy to help you! 

Account Services

Account and card alerts are a great way to stay in the loop and protect your account. Sign up to receive alerts about things like credit card transactions or recurring payments.

Account Alerts:

  1. Sign in to your digital banking account.
  2. Click on "More."
  3. Select "Alerts."
  4. Choose "Account Alerts."
  5. Select the alerts you want to receive for your account.

Card Alerts:

  1. Sign in to your digital banking account.
  2. Click on "More."
  3. Select "Cards."
  4. Click on "Manage Cards."
  5. Under "Manage Cards," click on "Controls and Alerts."
  6. Set up the alerts you want to receive for your card.